Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yoga session tonight will benefit CV Sierra Club

Catherine Reid invites you to come to a yoga session tonight [Tuesday, March 23rd] to get in touch with your inner yogi and to at the same time support the protection of the Courtenay River Estuary through Sierra Club Comox Valley.

Catherine discovered yoga in 1974 and the gifts of this ancient practice have been weaving their way into her life ever since. She completed her Astanga teacher training in 2004 through Trinity Yoga. She currently teaches various levels and styles of Hatha yoga in several locations throughout the Valley.

The first class starts at 5:30 p.m. and runs to 6:45 p.m. This class will be for those who are new to yoga, or with less than a year of yoga experience. It will also be appropriate for more experienced students who simply want a gentle class that night. There will be clear explanations and options given so you can choose what works best for your body.

The second class from 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. is for people who have had a regular yoga practice for at least a year. Please come if you're familiar with Sun Salutations, if you understand basic alignment principles, and if Downward-Facing Dog feels wonderful for you. Expect to sweat (blood and tears optional).

All Classes are at the K'ómoks First Nation Band Hall, at 3320 Comox Road in Comox.

Please bring your own yoga mat if possible. A limited amount will be mats will be available at the Hall.

Light refreshments of herb tea, water and fresh fruit will be served. Admission is by donation to Sierra Club Comox Valley.

Contact Catherine at 250-898-8414 for further information.

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