Sunday, March 14, 2010

This labour court lawyer argues for yoga, too

For 58-year-old labour court lawyer Balkrishna Midge, yoga is as much of a passion as labour law.

So much so that he was recently awarded a Doctor of Science (D.Sc) degree for his research on yoga by the Open International University of Complementary Medicine (OIUCM) that has its adminis-trative headquarters in Sri Lanka.

“I have been practicing yoga... meditation, pranayam and physical aasanas for the past 30 years. I thought of conducting a research on the benefits of yoga and finalised the topic ‘Researcher and yoga’ two years ago,” Midge said. It took him nearly two-and-a-half-years to complete his research under the guidance of Dr RN Shukla, who was formerly with the National Chemical Laboratory.

“It was Shukla who helped me register with OIUCM for the research,” Midge added.

The research has been published in three volumes, totalling 1,250 pages. "I did case studies of 102 researchers - including those who practice yoga and those who did not.

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