Friday, March 12, 2010

Yoga for a younger you

There's a saying that yogis always look half their age. It's a fact that people who practice yoga regularly look much younger than their actual age. Yoga can help you to look younger in a very natural way. So forget all the botox sessions here are a few easy asanas for a younger you!

Spine plays a very important role when it comes to looking younger. Ageing can get reversed directly in proportionate to how flexible your spine is. Therefore, all these asanas help to make your spine flexible.

Uttana Hastasana: Stand up straight and bring our hands straight up over your head.
Very gently start arching your upper back and then your lower back and make a smooth curve. Keep breathing slowly to retain the energy in your body.

Hold the posture for 30 seconds. This asana stretches the legs, relaxes the heart and calms the mind.Stand straight, take your hands up, stretch and inhale.

As you exhale come down and try touching your feet. With this asana the spine becomes more flexible. Also, the moment you bend forward all the blood rushes towards your head. This makes your face glow.

Sarvangasana: This asana instantly increases the blood flow towards your head. Lie down on your back.Raise your legs slowly to 90 degrees. Then with the support of your hands on your lower back raise you waist up. Keep your legs as straight as you can. Don't hold the posture for more than 30-45 seconds.

Merudandasana: Lie down on your back.Take your left foot and place it over your right knee. With your right hand hold your left knee and twist it down. Turn your head towards the opposite direction. This asana really improves the flexibility of the spine and it also massages the organs inside the body.

There's a saying that yogis always look half their age. It's a fact that people who practice yoga regularly look much younger than their actual age. Yoga can help you to look younger in a very natural way. So forget all the botox sessions here are a few easy asanas for a younger you!

Spine plays a very important role when it comes to looking younger. Ageing can get reversed directly in proportionate to how flexible your spine is. Therefore, all these asanas help to make your spine flexible.

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