Monday, April 12, 2010

Lose Weight by Practicing Yoga?

While some forms of exercise have an excellent reputation for producing positive results, when it comes to weight loss the most obvious physical benefits of yoga include loosening of muscles that have been tightened by inactivity, tension, and stress. Although some forms of yoga may not raise your heart rate enough to burn the necessary calories to lose weight, it also depends on the type of yoga you select and how frequently you practice it.

In 2005, medical researcher set out to do a medical study on the weight-loss effects of yoga. With funding from the National Cancer Institute, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle led a trial involving 15,500 healthy, middle-aged men and women. All completed a survey recalling their physical activity (including yoga) and their weight between the ages of 45 and 55. Researchers then analyzed the data, teasing out other factors that could influence weight change. The end result found that yoga could indeed help people lose weight.

Several forms of yoga that incorporate muscular strength and cardiovascular flexibility are; Bikram yoga, Power yoga, Ashtanga yoga, and Vinyasa yoga. Power Yoga is the American interpretation of Ashtanga yoga, a discipline that combines stretching, strength training, and meditative breathing. But power yoga takes Ashtanga one step further. Many of the poses (also called postures or their Sanskrit name, asanas) resemble basic calisthenics – push-ups and handstands, toe touches and side bends – but the key to power yoga’s sweat-producing, muscle-building power is the pace. Instead of pausing between poses as you would in traditional yoga, each move flows into the next, making it an intense aerobic workout.

If you are too intimidated to go to a yoga class an alternative is to rent or buy a yoga video. Once you feel more confident practicing the poses, try finding a yoga studio close to where you live. An excellent way to experience the different forms of yoga is Passport to Prana. This is your ticket to some of the best yoga classes in your city. The passport entitles you to one yoga class at each of the participating yoga studios. As the New Year approaches why not give yoga a try and feel the benefits – both physical and mental – that this ancient practice provides.

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